Sunday, October 9, 2011

Skirt Fetish!!!

                Welcome back clothes lovers!!! Our celebrity this post is going to be Taylor Swift!!!!! Taylor Swift always has the cutest clothes and the outfit to the left is just adorable.  She is wearing just a simple, black t-shirt, a white skirt with a black design, and a long, chain necklace with a cool decoration at the bottom.  The outfit looks comfortable but still cute, and Taylor looks comfortable in it as well.  After I found this picture, I was thinking of where to go shopping this week and thought of the perfect place.... DEB!  Deb has really cute clothes for a very low price and I love going into the shop and looking around.  So without further ado... LET'S GO SHOPPING!

         A really great way to shop is first by going online and seeing if you like the clothes in the store, and then going to the actual store and buying the items.  That is what I did this week.  If you go on to you will find everything they have in the store plus what they have online.  Everything is sorted out into categories so the first thing to look for is a top.  I found a nice, simple, black top for $7.99.  Then you just go to bottoms and click on skirts and it shows you all the skirts they have.  I found a super cute white shirt with black and yellow flowers on it for $10.99!  Then I went into the jewelry section and found necklace with different charms on it for $9.99.  For shoes, you could just wear a pair of black flats, heels, or even flip flops.  The total for this whole outfit is $28.97.  How awesome is that!!!!  You can mix and match what you wear the different pieces with which is also pretty cool.  Now you can say that you have an outfit just like Taylor Swift's but much more affordable. Until next time, adios amigos!  For those of you who don't speak Spanish, that means good-bye friends ;).