Monday, November 7, 2011

Summer Lovin'

Bonjour my friends!  Now, I'm sure right about now everyone is thinking the same thing: I wish summer would just come back already!!!  I know I am.  I've been thinking that I should do a post on summer clothes just to keep the warm thoughts in my head which brings me to this post's subject.... SUMMER DRESSES!!!  For this, I chose Selena Gomez as my celebrity because she wears cute summer dresses and I have always wanted one.  The picture to the right shows Selena in a periwinkle summer dress and a pair of black boots. My destination this week is, drum roll please........... TARGET!!!  Seriously, Target literally has everything I could possibly dream of. I LOVE IT!!! Now, you can always just go to the Target near you since they seem to be everywhere, but for this post I'm going online shopping at  Here we go!!!

If you go to, you will see different categories at the top of the page saying women, men, kid at so on.  If you go to women, a tab pops up and there are sub-categories that say accessories, shoes, and clothes.  Just click on clothes and it will take you to a wonderland.  There are so many options in this section, but I just clicked on dresses to try to find a cute sundress.  Sure enough I found one that looks very similar to the dress Selena has on.  It can be found in different colors but I personally like the light blue one the best.  This dress is $24.99.  Then you have to find shoes to go with it.  I found the most adorable wedges.  The wedges to the left are just $9.44 and can pretty much be worn with any summer outfit.  The total of this outfit is $34.43.  This outfit is perfect for a summer get together and is absolutely adorable.  See you next time! 

             Blue Dress: 


             Selena Picture:

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